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It occurs when blood platelets is low. This type of blood cell clumps together to form blood clots to help stop bleeding at site of cut or wound. People who have thrombocytopenia do not have enough platelets to form a blood clot. If you get a cut in that situation bleeding can be hard to stop.
  1. Alcohol use disorder.
  2. Auto-immune diseases.
  3. Bone marrow diseases.
  4. Cancer treatment like chemotherapy.
  5. Enlarged spleen caused by cirrhosis of liver.
  6. Exposure to toxic chemicals.
  7. Antibiotics, Seizure, HIV.
  1. Bleeding gums.
  2. Blood in stool
  3. Heavy menstrual periods.
  4. Purpura or bruises easily.
  5. Rectal bleeding.
  6. Tiny red or purple rashes.
  1. Physical Exam – To review family history, to discuss medications you take, to look for any bruises and rashes.
  2. Blood Count – To check level of platelets, white blood cells and red blood cells.
  3. Blood Clot Test – To check time taken by blood to clot.
  4. Bone Marrow Biopsy – To diagnose bone marrow disease or cancer.
  5. Ultrasound or CT Scan – To see enlarged spleen, lymph node or lover cirrhosis.
  1. Blood Transfusion – To increase platelet level in blood. Platelets transfused only if platelets level is extremely low.
  2. Splenectomy – For removal of spleen.
  3. Steroids – To reduce platelet destruction and stimulate platelets production.
  1. Internal or external blood lose.
  2. Bleeding into digestive system or brain.
  3. Susceptible to infection increase after having splenectomy.

Are you having health problems? Contact us today!

Call Us 24/7: 0161-525 25 25
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