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It occurs when a blood vessel in the brain becomes blocked or burst.
The brain relies on a network of blood vessel to provide it with blood that is rich in oxygen. The lack of blood supply that causes sensory nerve cell to be cut off from their supply of nutrients and oxygen. When it is cut off for 3 to 4 minutes it begins to die.

Effects of Stroke
  1. Inability to move a part of body (paralysis).
  2. Weakness in part of body.
  3. Inability to speak or understand words.
  4. Difficulty in swallowing, vision loss, memory loss, change in personality and emotional problems.
  5. Difficulty in communicating.
Stroke Warning Signs
  1. Sudden numbness, weakness of face, arms, legs particularly on one side of body.
  2. Slurred speech or confused speech.
  3. Severe Dizziness, headache and difficult in seeing.
Risk Factors of Stroke
  1. Salt, saturated fats and cholesterol rich diet.
  2. Inactivity.
  3. Heavy alcohol use, tobacco use.
  4. High blood pressure.
  5. Excess weight.
  6. Heart valve defect
  7. Diabetes.
  8. Blood clotting disorder.
  9. Enlarged heart chamber.
  1. Seizure
  2. Loss of bowel and bladder.
  3. Cognitive impairment.
  4. Depression.
  5. Bedsore.
  6. Shoulder pain.
Tests to Diagnose Stroke
  1. Blood Test : cholesterol level, platelet count and blood sugar.
  2. MRI and CT Scan : To check whether brain tissue has been damaged or not.
  3. ECG : To check whether you have any heart condition.
  4. Carotid Ultrasound.
  5. 2D ECHO.
  1. Clot busting drug, oral anti coagulant, TPA, antiplatelet drugs statins, blood pressure drugs
  2. Mechanical Thrombectomy.
  3. Stents.
  4. Surgery.
  1. Speech therapy
  2. Cognitive therapy
  3. Re-learning sensory skill
  4. Physical therapy

Are you having health problems? Contact us today!

Call Us 24/7: 0161-525 25 25
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